Child Trust Fund

NB. This account is only available to children who live in our Common Bond area, or who are children of existing Gateway members. We cannot accept applications from anywhere else - sorry

We all want to give our children the best possible start in life. By opening a Child Trust Fund account with Gateway Credit Union and adding to it regularly you could help your child buy their first car, pay university fees, or put a deposit on their first house. Child Trust Fund Accounts are available to children who were born between 31st August 2002 and 3rd January 2011, who will have received a Child Trust Fund voucher from the government.

Our account is a straightforward savings account, locked until your child's 18th birthday and we do not invest the savings in shares or other investments.

The current rate of interest (From April 2024) is 2.5% pa

What are the benefits of a Gateway Credit Union Child Trust Fund?
  • No set up or closure costs
  • Unlike 'Stakeholder' accounts, the cash value of the account cannot fall
  • No minimum contributions
  • A number of easy ways to make regular or one off deposit
  • Safe and local place to save
  • Attractive returns on savings
How do I add to the Child Trust Fund?

Please note that we can only open a Child Trust Fund Account by transferring an existing CTF account from another provider, using this form. If you have an account with another provider, never opened an account, or even if you don't know where your child's account may be, we can help you with the transfer. To open an account, please compete the application form, and send or bring it to us with the transfer form, any other sums you want to pay in, and the child's birth certificate. Generally, only the person to whom the voucher was issued (the person who receives Child Benefit for the child) can be the adult contact for the account. If the adult contact is not a Gateway member we will need to see ID to comply with the law.

You may also wish to open a Young Saver Account for pocket and birthday money savings, or to build up savings for your child which can be accessed before their 18th birthday.

More info

To view the official information on Child Trust Funds click here

Where's my child's CTF account?

If you are not sure where your childs fund is being held, please click here